Work With Us, Together
Workshops & Training
Keynote Speaking
Get Unwrapped Learning Journey & Book Club: Kick-off and Closing
Gallup CliftonStrengths® Coaching
Strengths Discovery Workshop
Unwrap Your Vulnerability: Dare To Lead™ Program for Women Leaders
Well-being Matters: Create a Thriving Leadership Practice
Living Into Your Values
Unwrapped: A Conversation With The Authors
Well-being Matters!
Is Mission Enough: Living Into Your Values
Authentic Leadership: Strengths Over Hustling
Choosing Courage Over Comfort
Work With Us

Kendra Washington-Bass, Ph.D.
Kendra's Workshop Facilitations & Certifications
Gallup CliftonStrengths® Coaching
I am a firm believer that a person who lives and works with his/her/their talents and strengths have an enriched and engaged life. That is because we see our lives as full. Would you like to learn how you can be fulfilled in life and work each day? Join me as we engage in a one-on-one coaching session to explore your talents and leverage them to improve your well-being and productivity within your work and personal life. You will have the opportunity to complete the CliftonStrengths® online assessment, and the results will be used to guide the coaching conversation.
Gallup CliftonStrengths® Team Workshop
Community building is part of our core values. As a community, we leverage the energy to cooperate and accelerate our growth. It is the human condition to yearn for companionship and community. What if we engage in positive community building where everyone uses his/her/their talents and strengths to be more engaged, efficient, and enriched? As a team or family unit, engage in a two-day workshop to explore your individual and collective talents and strengths to increase productivity, well-being, and engagement.
Fierce Conversations
What do you think of when you hear “fierce conversations”? Do you think bold, loyal, committed, and truthful? A fierce conversation is one where “you come from behind yourself and into the conversation make it real.” - Susan Scott. If you are interested in having these types of conversations, then I encourage you to learn how fierce conversations can recharge your relationships at home and at work. You will learn the foundations of a fierce conversation and 4 conversation models to improve and enrich your relationships with co-workers, families, and friends. I recommend that you participate in this workshop with colleagues and/or family members. The workshop can be modified to fit your specific context and needs. The full two-day workshop is suggested for a maximum of 30 people.
People Skills: Behavioral Styles Facilitation
Do you ever wonder why you or a person behaves a certain way? Well, much of it has to do with a person’s environment and situation. The good news is that you have a choice to change the way you respond to each situation and environment. People Skills focuses on ways to build trust and respect at home and in the workplace, which is vital for creating a culture where productivity is at its highest and you experience excellence. As a certified People Skills facilitator, you and your colleagues will:
Complete an assessment to identify your Behavior Style
Gain awareness and identify the core needs of the four Behavior Styles
Develop skills to change behavior to build a positive influence
Understand the difference between behavior and personality and how behavior changes situationally
Learn the potential difference between your intent and your impact
Discover options to manage tension-reaction behavior
People Skills can be delivered as a full two-day program, two separate one-day programs, or in four half-day modules to meet your scheduling needs.
Leadership and Well-being
With over 25 years in education and 17 years as a local school and district leader, I will co-construct and design leadership development training and workshops to meet the needs of your organization. My primary focus is on novice leader support and women in educational leadership. Leaning on the work of Brene Brown, Gallup CliftonStrengths®, and Cultural Proficiency research, you will discover how leadership development and leader moves can positively and/or negatively impact the culture created in schools. You will unlock strategies and tools to improve your leadership practices resulting in positive learning opportunities for the students, staff, and community they serve.
Leadership Pipeline Consulting
As a consultant and thought partner, I will work with districts to help them think about and strategically plan their leadership pipeline from the teacher through district leadership. Using a self-study guide, an initial assessment of the current state of leadership appointments and development will act as a baseline for how to plan for improvements and/or refinement to the pipeline process. The planning will be co-constructed and customized to meet the unique needs of the district and/or organization.
I give and get energy from people, especially people who love to work in service to the students they develop and grow. As a speaker, author, and leadership developer, I love the point in the conversation, keynote, or workshop where I see the thoughts, joy, and actions in the eyes of participants. I love when people leave the experience ready to refine, redesign, or reimage their leadership moves that will make a difference in the lives of the students they serve, whether directly or indirectly.
My love is leadership development! With over 25 years in education, I have had the awesome responsibility of teaching elementary and middle school students in the Bronx and Harlem; and I had the incredible experience of opening and leading a middle school. And for the past 15 years, I have served to improve local school and district leadership by designing leadership development opportunities from aspiring leader programs to induction and coaching models to improve leader efficacy, satisfaction, and retention.
I am now a national designer and facilitator with a national school leadership organization with a keen interest in women’s leadership. I am the co-author of a book, Unwrapped: The Pursuit of Justice for Women Educators that I hope will contribute towards increasing the number of women of color leading schools and districts today.
If you are interested in having me share my expertise and/or share my leadership journey, please feel free to reach out. Keynote presentations are 45 - 60 minutes. Both virtual and in-person keynote presentations are possible.
Keynote Topics:
Navigating the “In-Between”
Leadership and Well-being
Black Female Leadership: Why it is needed?
The Challenges and Joy of School Leadership
My Mother’s Gift of Voice

Kelly Peaks Horner
Kelly's Workshop Facilitations & Certifications
Dare To Lead
There has been no other time in our education history when daring, courageous leadership is required at all levels. The Dare To Lead™ program is based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown and is a culmination of a ten-year study of courage and leadership. I am a trained facilitator in this empirically based courage-building program. I spent three days with Dr. Brown completing certification in the Dare to Lead™ curriculum.
Dare To Lead™ includes a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable:
Rumbling With Vulnerability
Living Into Our Values
Learning To Rise
I can design a training that focuses on the specific mission of participants and that fits into almost any schedule. The program requires a minimum of 24 hours of instruction delivered in a variety of settings, virtual or in-person.
Daring Leaders Rumble Room
Too often we present school leaders with new skills in development programs and expect them to execute upon completion. That’s not realistic or possible. We don’t offer the on-going opportunities to practice and “rumble” with a new way of leading. The Daring Leader Rumble Room provides participants who complete the Dare To Lead™ program successfully and achieve Dare To Lead Trained monthly meetings to sustain the skill sets and work of being a daring leader. The meetings will be facilitated by the Dare To Lead™ facilitator. The agenda will include planned activities to practice and bolster the daring leadership skill sets and time to “rumble” with successes and opportunities presented by participants.
Executive Leadership Coaching for School Leader
“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”
The most successful and impactful leaders have coaches. My coaching practice partners with you to get clear about your goals and aspirations and how to leverage your strengths in order to achieve them. I will challenge you in new ways of thinking and being, will help you acquire new skills that will allow you to achieve the vision you create for yourself and those you lead.
I believe that you come alive at the intersection of your vulnerability, strengths, wellbeing, and engagement.
I create coaching packages that work for individual leaders.
Give yourself the gift of coaching.
Strengths-based Coaching
Authentic leadership starts with understanding how you uniquely think, feel, and behave.
It is through understanding our strengths that you begin to recognize how you show up, are perceived, and how you can aim your strengths towards measurable outcomes.
I offer educators at all levels the opportunity to complete the Clifton Strengths Assessment™ and engage in a one hour coaching call to review and discuss your results.
Power of 2
When you ‘complimentary partner’ your strengths with others you create a Power of 2. This coaching session is designed for two school leaders to better understand one another and how to leverage each other’s strengths to create impact.
Strengths-based Teams
This session is often delivered in group retreats, workshops, or training. Members of the team complete the strengths assessment and are presented with a team grid. They will work together using the four domains (executing, influencing, relationship building, and strategic thinking) to understand how each team member contributes. Participants will begin to leverage the unique strengths of team members.
Strengths programs can be created to address the unique needs of school leaders.
Keynote Speaking
I love speaking at conferences and events. I love the energy and feedback I receive from educators, school and district leaders, when I say the very thing that’s on their mind. I have the opportunity to influence the present and create a new future for individuals, teams and organizations in a new and brave way.
In over 35 years in education, I have had the unique opportunity to lead in a diverse array of positions. I was an elementary classroom teacher. I led as a school-based administrator. I represented educators in elected leadership positions. I developed new recruitment strategies and hiring processes as a human resources specialist in a large school district. And, I partnered with school leaders across the country in working to improve the school experience for students and adults as a senior client development consultant for an international analytics and consulting company.
I am now a CEO, company founder, education executive leadership and culture coach, trained Dare To Lead™ facilitator, scholar on school leadership with a keen interest in women’s leadership and soon to be co-author of a book that I hope will contribute towards increasing the number of women leading schools and districts today.
Keynote presentations are 45 - 60 minutes. Both virtual and in-person keynote presentations are possible.
Keynote Topics:
The Heart of Daring Leadership
Regathering At School: Will you go back to normal?
Leading In The Arena: Rumbling With Vulnerability
Wholehearted Leading and Living
Wellbeing Matters: The Five Essential Elements of Wellbeing for Leaders
Living Into Your Team Values